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Time to clear the air!

This part is in continuation. You can read the first part by clicking Naked truth. You can read the second part by clicking Seeing the unseen! You can read the third part by clicking The note!

Raman woke up with baggy eyes as the sunlight glared upon them. The night hadn't been so easy for him. The mystery was going deeper and deeper every single minute. He was under a deep pressure to solve the case within minimum time, the reason being people involved in the case. Regardless of all the facts that revolved vividly in front of him, he was sure that something was not right in Sameer's life. He made a mental note to visit his home again to discuss Sameer's life with Leena. He could have done that before only but he was skeptical about her mental condition upon losing her son. So he decided to stay mum, waiting for right time to discuss the matter with her in isolation.

Shaina, dressed in black spaghetti, was eagerly waiting for Raman at his office. The wrinkles under her eyes were clear indication of her being awake for several nights. The pain she was going through could only be healed by none other than time. Raman strode into his office, he was a bit late. Shaina's uninvited presence only made the smell of suspense in the air more strong. She was fumbling with paperweight. A quick thought disturbed Raman for a while. He wanted to ask who the girl with initials KJ was, but the very next second he thought of asking Leena as she would have been the best person to answer a question like that.

Brushing away the thoughts, he asked Shaina about any clue or information that she wanted to give to him. Shaina nodded in affirmation. "I have found out that the woman who was present at Sameer's house was none other than Sameer's ex-secretary's mother." Shaina said. Raman's eyes grew wide in surprise as he heard the words. The case was getting more and more complicated. "But why was she smiling?" Raman asked, irritated. "I don't know!" cried Shaina. She stood up from the chair. "All I know is that Sameer had fired her a few months back!" Raman calmed down a little.

He could understand her psychology at the moment. "Tell me anything else about her that you know, like her name, or presently where she is working?" Raman asked as he took a sip of coffee. He was a serious caffeine addict. Long hours of working had made him the one. He used to carry a large kettle full of coffee for the day. "I had asked Ma about her and she told me what she knew." Shaina sat comfortably on the chair.

"And that is exactly the information you told to me?" Raman asked sarcastically. "That’s all I know till now." Shaina said, irritated. "Okay thanks, Miss Shaina. I guess that would do for the moment. Rest I would know as I carry on with my investigation." Raman adjusted his cap on his head as he prepared to leave. "Sure!" She drawled. Shaina excused herself and left for home. Raman, now more curious about knowing the new character in the plot, prepared himself for a meeting with Leena.


"All I want to know that whether you found out the culprit?" Leena asked hysterically. She was seated on the couch. A servant who was traditionally dressed in dhoti and a vest served water to Raman. "Investigation is being carried out and I am sure we are very close now." Raman said as he took a sip. He placed the glass on the center table. He then fished out the note and passed it on to Leena. With a slight hesitation, Leena unfolded the wrinkled piece of paper and began reading. What happened next was exactly how Raman expected. Leena narrowed her eyes as she clutched her hand rolling the note in a ball, crushing it. "Watch it! You are distorting the evidence!" Raman sprang up as he wrested the note from her. After a moment of silence, Raman started to speak. 

"So can you tell me the whole story?" Raman urged. "I will tell you only if you don't tell anything to Shaina! She will break." She asked beseechingly. Raman had no choice but to accept the terms. "Kiran was Sameer's secretary. They fell in love in no time. All was going well until she was going to have a baby." Leena was in tears by now, but she continued. "She was of a middle class family. Sameer suggested of abortion, but she refused. We tried all but in vain. Then Shaina came in Sameer's life. We heard from our sources that Kiran had committed suicide. I hope you understand all after that." Raman nodded in affirmation. Turning towards the note, placing it safely in the folder, he stood up to leave. Things were getting clear now. It was time to grab the culprit. But one thing that still played havoc with his brain was how? 

You can read the next part by clicking here------> Mystery woman!


  1. great going.. brilliant n gripping story line.. your way of story telling is too cool :)

  2. Your writing is good, gripping sequences.

  3. Kiran's mom could be the culprit or maybe Kiran must not have committed the suicide.

    1. good guess :) lets see where it goes. Will post the end in the next part in a day or two :)

  4. Oh! Lemee read the next part. Seems pretty interesting.

    1. sure :) keep reading as the mystery deepens in the next :)


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