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Unusual suspect!

This part is in continuation or to be more precise, the last part. You can read the first part by clicking Naked truth! You can read the second part of the story by clicking Seeing the unseen! You can read the third part by clicking The note! You can read the fourth part by clicking Time to clear the air! You can read the fifth part by clicking Mystery woman! I would recommend you all to read the story from the beginning.

Raman stepped into his office the next morning. The previous nights went busy as his thoughts played hide and seek. The deepening mystery was getting worse every single day. He had called Shaina the very same moment he discovered the suspicious scarf. He intended to have a meeting with Shivani, Kiran's mother. The question that irked him again and again was that the scarf was that of a girl but Shivani was aged. He suspected only her for all this mess. But he wanted to have a word with Shaina first, he wanted to take her with him as sometimes talking to women in trivial matters becomes uncontrollable. He had his experience. He was looking at his watch incessantly. The cup of coffee lay untouched on the table. Becoming restless and impatient simultaneously, he picked up his bag as he prepared himself to have a word with Shivani alone.

He had one point in his advantage that Shivani hadn't seen him, the thing which I can use to my advantage. After a fifteen minute drive, he reached Shivani's house at the civil lines. The edifice still stood erect even after being worn out; possibly it appeared to be the oldest building of the area. For affirmation, he had brought the sketch of the woman which Shaina had seen at Sameer's home. As he stepped near the door to press the doorbell, he heard some voices that came from inside. 

"Mom, I left my scarf at the SSP's door. I was not intentional!" She shrieked. "That was the most terrible mistake one could do!" Shivani bellowed. "Can't you do a single job without creating problems? That SSP has the eye of an eagle. Soon he will figure out the truth." Shivani said, furious. "Mom, but I......." Shivani interrupted before Kiran could speak further. "Now I want you to stay underground and don't come out until and unless I say, you got it?" Kiran nodded in acknowledgement.  

Raman stood out, silent. So these two women think that they will plan the conspiracy and will get away with it. I am not going to let this happen. This is going to end soon, Shivani. His head was banging with anger. He instantly sent an SMS to Shaina, conveying her to reach civil lines as soon as possible. After listening to all this, it was now time for action. He waited outside eagerly waiting for Kiran to step out. As soon as she stepped out, unaware of the fact that her fake suicide claims had been caught red handed, she was at Raman's gunpoint. Shivani was screaming from inside, telling her to run. 

Kiran, being woman, broke. She knew the fact that today or tomorrow, her conspiracy had an end to it. Moreover, she couldn't fight a strong man like Raman for too long. She surrendered herself along with Shivani. If I would have waited any longer for Shaina, they would have got away. He messaged Shaina to meet him at his office directly. Intentionally he kept mum about solving the case as he wanted to interrogate Shivani and Kiran. 

Shaina waited at his office. She knew something important Raman wanted to tell her. Her wait didn't last longer as Raman strode into the office. "What you were going to tell me?" Shaina asked, impatiently. Raman frowned. "We have solved the case and we are currently interrogating the suspects!" "Who did that?" Shaina was getting impatient even more. "I would also like to tell you that Kiran is very much alive. She and Shivani had planned all this conspiracy." Shaina's jaw dropped as she heard the truth. I knew something is not right. She wanted to see Kiran from her own eyes. Raman insisted to wait for some time till they would be shifted to their respective cells. But Shaina, seemed far from an agreement. Raman took her along to the interrogation room. With a piercing gaze that penetrated across the huge glass, Shaina screamed in silence, RATAN!

Shaina couldn't believe that it was Kiran who was in a disguise. She used Shaina to know everything about Sameer. Shaina couldn't forgive herself for being a part of his murder, though indirectly. She wanted to know the answers to several questions, but as said time is the best healer, she let Ratan to surrender to her fate.


  1. WOW! That was wonderful Saurabh. You have woven the plot very cleverly. I had a feeling that Kiran would'nt have committed suicide.loved it.

    1. Thanks Kalpana :) Yes, your mind went into the right direction but partially it was distracted, right? :)

  2. Right Mr. Saurabh. I love to read and decipher the mystery stories.and u are becoming a master at weaving them. But how did Kiran(Ratan) manage to poison him?

    1. yea that's a question and how did that peon involved in all this?

    2. That was a planned murder by her mother, Shivani which is taken on as abruptly without providing enough proof. I must have mentioned it but then the story would have been a novel :) sorry for not mentioning that part or it would have been 2 more parts on the run :)

    3. Well, I guess I answered the question, Kalpana and Meera :)

  3. now that's wonderful.. i thought that Ratan could be Kiran's sister who takes revenge.. lol. because she dint come in the scene much even though there's something suspicious about her character.. very good read. :)

    1. Thanks a lot Meera :) hope I did not disappoint :)

  4. WOW! A interesting story. You are good at it.


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