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Book Review: The other side of me by Sidney Sheldon

The other side of me by sidney sheldon
The other side of me by Sidney Sheldon

Title:The Other Side of Me

Author: Sidney Sheldon

Number of pages: 360

Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

Genre: Autobiography

Book Review:

I generally don't prefer reading autobiographies as such but if it's of one of my favorite author's, I would definitely pick it up. Also, getting a 4.2 star rating from 19 ratings in all over Flipkart is not that easy :-)  The other side of me is the journey of Sidney Sheldon's life as a writer and definitely, worth reading.

The author has led a hard life being a writer, producer, director and an author. But as I was reading on his journey of life, I was enthralled by his consistent passion for his work that made him pass the times of famine smoothly. If you want to read an autobiography to know the life of that person, you can pick it up for reading. You will come to know the hardships of life a person faces while pursuing his ultimate dreams.

But if your intention is to read the life of a person and get inspired by his life, then I must say that you should DEFINITELY pick this up. The life of Sidney Sheldon teaches that how NOT giving up on your dreams is essential to get through the life with happiness. We all need to be happy at the end, right?

Many obstacles came along his way in all his capacities of various roles he played in his life like that of a father, a husband, a producer, a director and other numerous roles but he had a willingness to carry on. This led him pass those obstacles and achieve the life of his dreams. From shared rooms as paying guests to his own villas, it's a journey of life with lots of highs and lows which once you pick, you will not be able to put down. The most important part is that it leaves a inspiring note in your minds.

A quote at the beginning of the book, is as inspiring as the book itself. It goes:

'He that has no fools, knaves, nor beggars in his family was begot by a flash of lightning.'

                                                                                                                - THOMAS FULLER
                                                                        Seventeenth-century English clergyman


This book can't be rated as when I ask this question to myself that, 'What rating should I give to this book?', I get an answer every time, 'Who are you to rate the life of a person?'

For the writing style and the way the author has shared his life story, I would rate that style as 4.5/5. A MUST READ!

You can buy it NOW from Flipkart! Click below and buy at a discount. You won't be disappointed :-)


  1. This looks like an interesting read and I love Sidney Sheldon, so I'll just have to add it to my TBR...:D
    Loved your review Saurabh..

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

    1. Thanks a lot Nikita. :) Yes its a great read :)


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