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Krantikari, lame or merely opportunistic?

Unfulfilled Promises of AAP

Unfulfilled Promises of AAP
As you all must be already aware about recent happenings in our country, the relationships between the bureaucrats have turned sour. If you are wondering about the fact that this is just another article on CM and PM fight, then I must say that you have hit the bulls eye, dear readers.

The entire agenda of the politics has been diverted from the benefit of the common man to destruction of the common man. Don't you think so? What has been happening in our capital city Delhi, in Bengaluru, in Assam, or in Haryana is not the matter of concern for these people anyways. They simply take the backseat while the common man suffers in Delhi (I will talk about Delhi as I belong to the city and I feel that I can give my opinion genuinely).

The primary focus of our respected Chief Minister was the benefit of the common man. The party in itself has been name after a common man. What has happened to these people? Earlier they used to travel in Metro, in Rickshaws, in Wagon R etc. After the power, they need private jets. That's sheer opulence.  The reason as stated by these people is that certain responsibilities of an elected representative can't be fulfilled in such a way. Lame excuses!

In a recent video message from our respected CM in which he states that he can get killed by our honorable Prime Minister. He also warns his MLAs to stay in the race if they are not afraid to die. What our CM wants us to believe? Either he will kill himself, blame on PM or he will get his MLAs  killed and again blame PM. From day 1, they have played the victim card. They have behaved as martyrs which I must say they are not.

Coming to an interesting fact of why they raised the salaries of each MLA. to above INR. 2 lakh a month including the annual travel allowance of INR 3 lakhs. I would like to ask, will the MLAs be holidaying overseas with this kind of money or what? The answer to the question of raising the salaries is given by them is, ' Ab 12000 me ghar to nahi chal sakta na! (A house cannot run on a mere INR 12,000!). Another statement is that, 'We raised the salaries because we don't want them to do corruption.' The point here is that according to them, people having salaries as low as INR 12,000 or below INR 2 lakhs month should follow the path of corruption? This is not eradicating corruption but promoting it sir.

The case of fake degree spree that happened few months back, what was the need of it? Instead of focusing on fulfilling their own promises, they simply play the blame game, the victim card, always! What a degree has to do in fulfilling those? Simply broadcasting that the CM has an IIT degree an others have a DU degree will not solve any purpose or will it?
There are numerous cases similar to these. What will be the result of this blame game? Such a blame that a PM can get a CM killed is ridiculous! In the history of Indian Politics, it has never happened and should never have happened at all. In this way, we are showing a wrong picture of India to other countries. What will they feel? This is very much dangerous as the relations with other nations in the world will get destroyed. In simple terms they will feel, 'Inki aapas me hi nahi banti,  humare saath kya banegi.' (They are not even having good relations within themselves, how they will maintain the relations with us?)

If this is what was meant by our CM Mr. Arvind Kejriwal when he said that Bharat Jaldi Badlega, he also mentions the same in his Twitter profile as well, then I would like to tell him that yes we want change, I want change. The change is bound to happen one day. But in this shallow way? I guess nobody has ever thought of  it this way, not me at least.

The problem what I feel with AAP is that when they are getting the attention and things are being said in their praise, everything is alright. The moment they sense trouble, they become defensive. Also, they have no valid points to justify their reckless actions! All the matters, the crimes, everything is the same or I must say has worsened since they came into power.

This is like digging a deep pit. It will only take people towards the path of  hatred and vengeance. These negative emotions will lead to no where but towards isolation. They entered the politics like the krantikaris (revolutionists), followed the lame blame game, and left no chance when they found an opportunity, so they became opportunistic too.

They do everything suo motu. I would like to ask them if everything on earth is under PM or I must say here, under Modiji's control, then what's the need of the post of Chief Minister in Delhi? At least something would have been in your own control. Improve those at least! The only one thing that I feel was one ever by this Govt. was the implementation of Odd Even Rule. But that was also for merely for a month which was run twice (15 days each).

Blaming anybody will not solve any purpose. We, as citizens pay taxes so that we get a proper infrastructure. This way, we have an idea of where our money is going or it has been used for the good. But what we feel is that the AAP has done the same mistake. What people are feeling today is that they have wasted their vote.

If their prime purpose was to just come in power and prove that people are foolish to make them winners, then that foolishness will not be repeated again ever! Instead of making false promises, try and achieve what people had expected out of your government, if you can't then simply say so. The lame blame game will not work for long. I hope this message reaches to you as is and you understand what pain, what suffering the common man is going through. Work for the common man, don't play with their hopes.


  1. A lot of things are happening in our society right now and the worst is that usually the people with authority are the culprit of such acts. We and the citizens of glorious essays are the sore victims most of the time. People should start fighting for what is right and never let these power trip people rule our society.


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