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Tell me why? 5 Questions That Will Make You Think Hard


We often come to a point where we are bound to ask one question with every situation that we face in life. That question simply makes us stop and think about how we have lived so far, the mistakes we might or might not have committed. Moreover, it also prepares us for how to see the things from an entirely different perspective, a source of revelation you can say. 

Below are some of the questions based on the life experiences that make me stop and ask myself, tell me why?

1. People are so insecure

I have seen many, in fact, a lot of many people having a plethora of insecurities. It's like they are overburdening themselves with the unnecessary insecurities. Insecurity from a relationship, insecurity from a job, insecurity from friends, from relatives, siblings, and the list goes on and on!

What they don't get is that they are moving away from no one but themselves. Having insecurity is a natural reaction but if it takes over you and controls you, then it's a dangerous thing. 

When you have any insecurity, just sit back and try to evaluate if the reason for the insecurity is justified? I mean if it's a job, what worse can happen if you could lose it? You will get another one, simple! So why to get insecure?

2. People are going against nature

It's evident that nowadays people are welcoming artificial things without knowing that they can't replace their natural counterparts. The doctor says to be in greenery, the patient orders a green, artificial plant! What they don't understand is the doctor has asked to stay in nature and not in just any green color.

The money-mindedness, selfishness, ego, attitudes and all will be left behind when you will leave this world, so why wasting time and energy in making this horrendous mistake of going against nature? Why eating chemicals when the body is meant to process the natural food? 

People are sometimes funny or they are not listening to their own selves. In food, they choose an organic variety and besides that, they take expensive, chemical-based supplements. Haha! What logic is this?

3. People are always in a hurry

This one is my long awaited question. Every time I see anyone in a hurry, I ask them what's the hurry about? Some answers I get is, 'I will miss my train,' 'Someone is waiting for me,' 'Need to reach the office,' and several other simple answers. 

If you are getting late or late already, then no need to hurry as you will be reaching late only. It makes no difference that you are five minutes late or fifteen minutes late. If you will miss your train/bus/metro, another one will come or you must have kept a track of time. Why the rush? 

The same goes for people wanting to build the body. They want the results in two months, 3 months. Again I would come to the second point above. Why are you going against nature?

4. People are getting depressed    
I see a lot of people on Quora and other platforms. One question I have seen many times is, 'I have got low grades, I am depressed,' 'I love a girl but she loves someone else, I am depressed,' 'I am having hair loss, I am depressed,' and similar other reasons. 

What's the point I don't get. Depression is something very serious and needs immediate medical attention. Feeling low or low mood can't be called depression. Please don't mix the two as the people who are the actual sufferers are neglected because of this mix-up!

If something is troubling you, figure that thing out and clarify. If it can't be sorted out, simply leave it as it is and avoid any contact from that time. 

5. People don't care anymore

The worst thing nowadays is that people have stopped caring. Someone is dying on the road, people are taking a photo and making videos instead if helping them. What's happening to people? Are they really losing their senses? 

While boarding a metro, they don't give space and stay in one place despite seeing the person struggling. This continues until the person gets irritated and says, 'Dude, are you blind?'   

There are several other questions to ponder, but these are the most common, most frequently faced by me. Do you also come across such questions in your life? Do share your experiences in the comments below!


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